Stay Well


A Fresh Look at Mouthwash

The key to good oral hygiene for reducing dental plaque, gingivitis, tooth decay—and bad breath—is tooth brushing, using dental floss (or a water pick or an interdental brush) to...

Microplastics = Macro Problems?

As the name suggests, microplastics are tiny pieces of plastic waste, which can be found almost anywhere. They’re less than five millimeters long (about a quarter of an inch),...
adult vaccination checklist

Your Vaccine Checklist

In the run-up to any recent cold and flu season, you’ve probably encountered many reminders to get your seasonal flu shot and the latest Covid vaccine. When it comes...
breast calcifications

Breast Calcifications: An Early Sign of Cancer?

No woman wants to get that dreaded call saying her routine screening mammogram has abnormal, suspicious, or incomplete findings. But if that happens to you, there’s no reason to...
colorectal cancer

New Blood Test for Colorectal Cancer Could Be a Game Changer

Here’s a frustrating fact about colorectal cancer: Routine screening can detect the disease early, or even prevent it, yet many people who should undergo screening don’t. Only 60 percent...
calcium supplement

So, You Want to Take a Calcium Supplement …

Have you ever been told to take a calcium supplement by a healthcare provider, only to be overwhelmed by the number of options available in stores and online? Calcium...
personal care product expiration

Expired but Still Acceptable?

Part 3 of a 3-part series on product 'expiration' dates Of all the things in your home that can expire—medications, food, your driver’s license—personal care products might feel like the...
Insect repellent

Buzz Off

Whether you’re traveling to a mosquito-ridden area or just planning to lounge around your backyard this summer, having a good insect repellent on hand is key to staying bite-free....
Gas stove

Is Your Gas Stove Really Dangerous?

Many home cooks, like their professional chef counterparts, prefer a gas stove to a conventional electric one. These stoves are used in 38 percent of American households, according to...
Bone quality

A New Take on Bone Health

You may think all you need to know about your bone health is your bone mineral density (BMD) score. And if it’s good, all is well. Not necessarily. BMD, as...