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Wellness News

Blood pressure arm position

Blood Pressure Measurement: Mind Your Arm

Blood pressure checks may seem simple, but some details need to be right to get an accurate reading. Now a new study shows that simply having your arm in...
OTC hearing aids

Can You Hear Me Now?

It’s been just over two years since hearing aids became available over the counter, but we haven’t known much about how well they work—until now. A small new study...
flu shot

Even More Reason to Get Your Flu Shot

If you need extra motivation to get your flu shot this fall, here it is: A new study finds that people battling the flu may also face a temporary...
Dementia prevention

Fending Off Dementia

We do not yet have medications that can halt or reverse dementia, but there are plenty of ways to help lower the chances of developing it—including some steps you...
how to prevent cancer

Can You Prevent Cancer?

Close to half of all cancer cases and deaths in the U.S. could potentially be prevented through healthier eating, exercise, and other lifestyle measures, a new study suggests. Cancers are...
nuts and weight loss

Go a Little Nuts

If you’re striving to lose a few pounds, you might consider making nuts a go-to snack—as long as you keep an eye on your total daily calories, too. That, in...
irritable bowel syndrome

IBS: Which Diet Is Best?

For people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a diet that limits carbohydrates—and certain ones in particular—may bring more relief than medication, according to a new well-conducted study. IBS is an...
lower blood pressure

Stand Up for Lower Blood Pressure

If you’re looking to shave some points from your blood pressure, it might be as easy as getting up from the couch or your desk more often, a recent...
mammography screening

Mammograms, Starting at Age 40

In a major shift, an influential medical panel is now advising that women begin routine mammography screening at age 40—a decade earlier than it previously advised. But some experts...

Marijuana and Your Heart

It’s well known that smoking cigarettes takes a toll on the heart, and now a large study in the Journal of the American Heart Association suggests the same may...